Request Forms:
Use the below documents to request activation of the State Network:
- AMBER Alert Request Form
- Silver Alert Request Form
- Blue Alert Request Form
- Endangered Missing Persons Alert Request Form
- Camo Alert
- CLEAR Alert
- Power Outage Alert
- Active Shooter Alert
Request Procedures:
The below procedures should be used by a law enforcement agency when requesting activation of the State Network:
- The law enforcement agency (with jurisdiction over the missing person incident), must determine if the investigative case information satisfies state alert criteria.
- Entries should be made within the Texas and/or National Crime Information Center (TCIC/NCIC), supporting the missing person incident.
- Requests to activate the State Network involve submitting the appropriate Request Form to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). All Request Forms can be completed online and routed to the DPS via email at (preferred method), or faxed to (512) 424-7418. Review the 2nd page of each Request Form, containing email and fax instructions. Requests involving the state's Silver and/or Endangered Missing Persons alert programs should include the required medical documentation.
- Email available photographs of the missing person, suspect and vehicle to the DPS.
- Contact the DPS at (512) 424-7981 or (866) 786-5972 to ensure all documents involving the request were received.
- Be prepared for DPS staff to contact the requesting law enforcement agency to resolve any Request Form discrepancies, which may include how state criteria was satisfied. Knowledgeable agency staff should be available to discuss the missing person incident.
- Alerts issued by the State Network have a maximum activation period of 24-hours. Requests to extend an alert must be accomplished on or before the last 23-hour reminder from the DPS, indicating why an extension is necessary.
- Immediately contact the DPS if the missing person is located, or to update alert information.
Local Agency Procedural Recommendations:
- Utilize the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS) to notify law enforcement agencies of the missing person incident.
- Contact available Texas regional alert networks, designed to rapidly alert the public of qualifying missing person incidents using local resources. Each regional program operates independently of the State Network and must be contacted separately to request activation. Alert criteria and alert types offered (Silver, Blue etc.) could differ. Visit the following link: Request Regional Assistance for a listing of existing regional networks in Texas.
- Create an AMBER Alert flyer for public distribution, issued by local law enforcement in Texas. Flyers can be created by obtaining a portal username and password, unique for each law enforcement agency employee. Use the following link to request an account, create a flyer and distribute to subscribers: Distribute AMBER Alert Flyers.
The Department of Public Safety offers several Alert Program training options, supporting local law enforcement agencies at no cost. Contact the Department of Public Safety at (512) 424-7981 for more information on how to host an Alert Program workshop in your area, offering TCOLE credit.