Generally, cases are solved when the offender has been arrested and turned over to the court for prosecution.
Sort All Cases By: Company Area | Male | Female | County | Year | Last Name
Results: 46 Record(s) Found.
2002 Subir Chatterjee Other Male Montgomery County Ranger Company A Re #: 260
1994 Denise Brothers White Female Ector County Ranger Company B Re #: 240
2009 Willie Butler Black Male Dawson County Ranger Company E Re #: 244
1997 Jessica Cain White Female Galveston County Ranger Company A Re #: 192
2004 Linda Carbajal Hispanic Female Lubbock County Ranger Company C Re #: 40
2009 Sylvia Clark Hispanic Female Wilson County Ranger Company F Re #: 80
1997 Kelli Cox White Female Denton County Ranger Company B Re #: 193
1992 Eglena Diaz Deleon Hispanic Female Guadalupe County Ranger Company F Re #: 140
2006 Joseph Douglas White Male Rusk County Ranger Company B Re #: 209
1986 Dovie Dykes White Female Tom Green County Ranger Company E Re #: 250
1983 Susan Eads White Female Harris County Ranger Company A Re #: 216