1. Where are parking meters located and what are hours of enforcement?
Answer: Parking meters located between 13th street and MLK street are enforced Monday to Saturday 7am to 6pm.
Parking meters located between 12th street and 10th street are enforced Monday to Wednesday 7am to 6pm, Thursday and Friday 7am to 11:59 pm, and Saturday 11am to 11:59 pm.
Parking permits obtained from the City of Austin are not valid within the Capitol Complex.
2. What are the hours for the parking office?
Answer: 7:30am until 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays.
3. Does the parking office handle motor vehicle registration?
Answer: No, they do not. If you are a resident of Travis county, you must go to the county tax assessor collector’s office located at 5301 Airport Blvd. Otherwise, you must go to the tax assessor collector’s office in the county in which you reside.
4. How can I obtain a capitol complex “disabled parking” permit?
Answer: Requests for a “Permanent Disabled” parking permit must be made by presenting a completed application (Request) for a disabled permit to the Parking Administration Office. The application must be accompanied by:
- evidence that the employee holds a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) permanent disabled parking privilege issued by a tax assessor-collector; or
- a physician's prescription that has been issued in the last two months that states the employee’s disability is permanent.
5. I bought a new car. Can I scrape the old parking decal off and put it on my new car?
Answer: No. The parking decals are registered by license plate number. You must obtain a new parking decal from the parking office. If you have not received your new license plates yet, you will be issued a hanging tag until you receive your metal license plates.
NOTE: If you currently own a vehicle that has a parking decal and you receive new license plates for that vehicle, you should contact the parking office immediately with the new plate information.
6. Where can I get a copy of my Texas birth certificate?
Answer: You can purchase a copy of your Texas birth certificate at the:
Department of Vital Statistics
1100 W. 49th Street
Austin, Texas.
7. Where can I park to visit the capitol?
Answer: Parking is available in the Capitol Visitors Parking Garage located between Trinity and San Jacinto Streets at 12th and 13th streets. Parking is free for the first two hours and $1.00 for each half-hour thereafter (maximum daily charge: $12.00). Metered spaces are available throughout the complex.
Click the following hyperlink for a Texas State Capitol visitor parking map.
Click the following hyperlink for a Texas State Capitol accessibility map for disabled individuals.
8. Where can I park if I want to visit the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum?
Answer: Click on the following hyperlink for the Texas State History Museum’s web site.