Join the National UoF Program

June 24, 2022

Agencies wishing to participate in the National UoF Program must appoint one or more individual(s) from your agency to complete monthly submissions.

Enrollment processes:

  1. Contact TXDPS UoF Program, email DPS at, OR call (512) 424-2091.
  2. Follow the steps below to acquire a LEEP and ‘read-only’ UoF user account, to view your agency’s data at the federal level.
    • There is no cost to acquire a LEEP & UoF account.
  3. Begin use of force submissions via the state-level Texas Use of Force portal. 

Note: Zero monthly reports (for months with no reportable UoF incidents) are simple and easy to complete.

LEEP and UoF (read-only) Access:

To apply for a LEEP account : (Printable LEEP instructions)

Search by ORI or Agency Name to see if your agency has a LEEP administrator - Search for Agency Administrators (AA) for LEEP          

  If your agency has an AA:

  •   Contact your AA and request that they create a LEEP account for you.

  If your agency does not have an AA:

In your email:

  1. Advise that you do not have a LEEP Agency Administrator
  2. Provide your agency’s name and ORI

To apply for 'read-only' access to the UoF Portal on LEEP:

After obtaining LEEP access, log into LEEP and then click on the National Use-of-Force Data Collection ICON   FBI UoF  to apply for access.

Note: If you are the NEW UoF point of contact for your agency, email the FBI UoF at, UseofForce@FBI.GOV and copy  Let them know if any users need to be removed.

For questions related to:

  1. The UoF (read-only) Portal application (on LEEP), email the FBI at UseofForce@FBI.GOV
  2. Joining the program, email DPS at