Level III and Level IV Training Questions

September 21, 2020

1. I am a Level III Firearm Instructor. Can I sign my own firearm proficiency certificate?

No. An instructor cannot certify his or her own firearm proficiency. Texas Occupations Code §1702.1675 and Texas Administrative Code §35.145 require an “actual demonstration of proficiency.” A “demonstration” requires the presence of another person, and in this case, another Level III Firearms Instructor.

2. When does an instructor license expire?

Alarm Level I, all Level III, Level IV, and Continuing Education Instructor licenses expire 2 years from the date of issuance – or – synchronize with any existing unarmed licenses including owner licenses. All subsequent instructor licenses of this type will have an expiration date that aligns with their existing instructor or unarmed license.

In addition, the expiration date is printed on the pocket card.

3. If a Level III class is in progress utilizing the previous version of curriculum, can they continue with the course; or will the training school be required to start over with the new version of curriculum?

If a training school has begun a class using the old curriculum, they may finish the class with the "old" material; however, they should use the new material for any subsequent classes.

4. Can a Level III Instructor teach defensive tactics? Is any additional training needed?

In order to teach defensive tactics, the instructor should be a defensive tactics instructor.

5. Can a Level III or IV instructor provide training on the use of a chemical dispensing device (OC pepper spray)?

Yes. To provide training on the use of a chemical dispensing device, an instructor must be a current Level III or Level IV instructor.

6. I am a Level III Instructor, and I have never been trained in defensive tactics, what do I need to teach? Am I required to purchase equipment?

The content and required equipment is described in the training materials. Defensive tactics is not a new requirement, the previous version of the curriculum contained defensive tactics as well. In order to teach defensive tactics, the instructor must be a defensive tactics instructor.

7. Concerning the hours of practical training (Firearm, Handcuffing); can it be determined how much time is spent on each, as it is not stated?

Yes, it is up to the instructor to determine the specific time allotment for each portion of the course.

8. Will Level III guards who have never received baton training need to complete the full Level III Training Course, or will only the Continuing Education Recertification Course be necessary?

For Level III guards needing to complete Continuing Education (Requalification) Recertification who have never received baton training, DPS recommends completion of Unit 10 of the full course before completing CE training to ensure adequate training concerning batons.

9. Is a separate certificate necessary for students as proof of baton certification?


10. Is a Level III Instructor authorized to conduct baton training?

Baton training is part of the defensive tactics training. In order to teach defensive tactics, the instructor should be a defensive tactics instructor.

11. Is there any information in administrative rules regarding renewals or re-certifications for Level IV guards?

Continuing Education requirements are located in the Texas Administrative Code, §35.161 – 6 hours for CSOs and PPOs, with proficiency certification.

12. I am a PPO; do I need to complete recertification courses for both Level III and Level IV?

6 hours of Level III Continuing Education or 6 hours of Level IV are required. As part of the renewal process, a weapons proficiency certificate must be submitted with the application. Please note, the Level IV Continuing Education Course does not include subject matter related to firearms.