AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) is pleased to announce that the Violent Offender Database is now available. This new database launched on December 29, 2023 ― officially going live ahead of its required Jan. 1, 2024, deadline.
The new database was created by House Bill 5202 during the regular session of the 88th Texas Legislature. This bill required DPS to create and maintain a public centralized database of offenders who have committed certain violent offenses, including those involving family violence. DPS will provide access to the website free of charge.
The Violent Offender Database contains information regarding offenders who, on two or more occasions, have been convicted of assault, sexual assault, aggravated assault or aggravated sexual assault involving family violence. This also includes offenders who have been convicted of continuous violence against the family, stalking or any combination of such offenses.
The database includes the offender’s full name, date of birth, a recent photograph and a physical description, or as much information as possible. It also includes a list of applicable offenses, the date of conviction, punishment and outcomes for each offense.
The department worked with the Texas Council on Family Violence on both the website design and language to ensure the site was easy to use and contained valuable information for those searching the site. To access the Violent Offender Database, visit the DPS website.
### (HQ 2024-004)