86th Legislative Session: 2019

September 4, 2020

House Bill 2604
Effective Jan, 1, 2020
HB2604 amends Section 548.3075, Transportation Code, repealing the department's authority to limit by rule the number of limited emissions inspections performed by an emissions inspection station, if the department has a rule allowing such inspections.

House Bill 1342
Effective Sept. 1, 2019
HB 1342 amends several provisions of Chapter 53, Occupations Code, relating to the offenses determined by a licensing agency to be disqualifying and the procedures by which a licensing agency may deny, suspend or revoke an occupational license. Repeals Section 53.021(a)(2), Occupations Code, eliminating the authority to deny, suspend or revoke for a criminal conviction that does not relate to the occupation. It adds new Section 53.0231, requiring notice of the intent to deny an application and the allowance of not less than thirty days to submit additional material relevant to the individual's fitness for licensure. As well, as repeals Section 53.023(c), Additional Factors for Licensing Authority to Consider.

Senate Bill 711
Effective Sept. 1, 2019
SB711 amends Section 548.252, Transportation Code, and Section 382.202, Health and Safety Code, authorizing the inclusion of safety recall information on the vehicle inspection report.

Senate Bill 616
Effective Sept. 1, 2019
SB 616 creates new Subchapters Q and R, to Chapter 411, Government Code. These subchapters address the administration of complaints; investigations; informal resolution proceedings; administrative actions against licensees and related procedures. Also, requires the development of penalty schedules and enforcement plans, and the publication of an annual report of regulatory statistics.

Senate Bill 37
Effective June 7, 2019
SB37 repeals Section 57.491, Education Code. State agencies may no longer refuse to renew an occupational license based on a student loan.

House Bill 1793
Effective Sept. 1, 2017
HB 1793 amends Transportation Code Chapter 548.203 to exempt from inspection any commercial vehicle that is not currently domiciled in this state, is registered in this state or under the International Registration Plan under Section 502.091, and has been issued a certificate of inspection in compliance with the federal motor carrier safety regulations. A commercial vehicle subject to the inspection of Transportation Code 548 would still be subject to any fees established under Transportation Code 548.504 and 548.505.

Senate Bill 1001
Effective Sept. 1, 2017
SB 1001 changes the actual gross weight or registered gross weight for a trailer, semitrailer, pole trailer, or mobile home from 4,500 pounds or less to 7,500 pounds or less to be exempt from vehicle inspection.

House Bill 1888
Effective Jan 1, 2016
HB 1888 amends the Transportation Code by providing an exemption from inspection as a condition to register a motor vehicle in Texas when certain criteria is met and creates a penalty for failure to obtain an inspection in specific limited circumstances. The exemption applies to vehicles registered under the International Registration Plan (IRP), or a token trailer registered under Transportation Code, Chapter 502. Additionally, this bill provides authorization for the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles or the county assessor-collector to register a vehicle located in another state without a vehicle inspection, if the applicant certifies an inspection will be obtained upon return to Texas.

Senate Bill 449
Effective Sept. 1, 2016
SB 449 amends Transportation Code, Chapters 501 and 502, to establish the definition of an autocycle and specify that an autocycle is considered to be a motorcycle for the purposes of vehicle titling and registration. The Texas Transportation Code currently defines autocycle as a vehicle with three or fewer wheels on the ground, equipped with a steering wheel, equipped with seating that does not require the operator to straddle or sit astride the seat, and manufactured and certified to comply with federal safety requirements for a motorcycle.

Senate Bill 1307
Effective Jan. 1, 2016
SB 1307 amends the Occupations Code to revise certain definitions for purposes of provisions applicable to the occupational licensing of military service members, military veterans, and military spouses. The bill defines "active duty" to mean current full-time military service in the U.S. armed forces, active duty military service as a member of the Texas military forces, or similar military service of another state; defines "armed forces of the United States" to mean the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or marine corps of the United States or a reserve unit of one of those branches; redefines "military service member" to mean a person who is on such active duty; redefines "military spouse" to mean a person who is married to such a military service member; and redefines "military veteran" to mean a person who has served on such active duty and who was discharged or released from such active duty.