I am an 85 year old lady who was really worried about how I could renew my driver license since I can't do it by mail, I came across the website today on another hope that there may be another way I can get my renewal. I had given up hope until I found out that I can be ok not being able to get it renewed until the corona virus is over, and that I can carry my current license until the virus is not causing the offices to be closed. I had written to Governor Abbott last week and asked him if there was any way that seniors could be helped since they will not be able to renew by mail. I did not get an answer of course because I know he is very busy, but I am overjoyed at this moment because someone came up with the obvious way to help seniors renew when the plague is over. Thank all you who work so hard and have to put up with us old ladies. Also, I printed out the information to carry with me in case I got stopped by someone who may not know this. Thanks so much!