Administrative Hearing Requests

We appreciate your patience as we work to schedule your hearing.

You may request a hearing up to 20 days after the date of the notice of suspension or revocation. Please allow up to 120 days for the hearing to be scheduled, in which you will be notified by mail of the date, time, and location of the hearing. Hearings are conducted in a municipal or justice court in the county where you live.

If your request is made outside the allowable 20 days, your request will be denied and you will be notified by mail.

For Administrative License Revocation (ALR) Hearings, please request a hearing on the Administrative License Revocation Hearings web page.

TX DL or ID Number:
Full Name:
(As it appears on License/ID)
Date of Birth:
Current Mailing Address: 
Current Mailing City: 
Current Mailing State: 
Current Mailing Zip:
Daytime Phone Number:
County of Residence: 
Do you have an attorney?
IF YES, ENTER (if NO, optional fields)
Attorney's Name:
Attorney's Address:
Attorney's Phone:
Attorney's Fax:


Symantec Seal